Friday 6 August 2010

When will I learn?

It's Friday and I really felt the need for biscuits in the office, so I went to the shop and got distracted by some new hob nobs - chocolate creams. They're basically two small hobnobs sandwiched together by chocolate cream (like the type you get in bourbons but nicer!). I gave in and bought them, thinking that I'd be able to cope with a small amount of lactose.

Wrong! Turns out they're so nice that I've eaten half the packet and I've spent the day feeling nauseous, bloated and fatigued. I wish I'd gone for my homemade version of these biscuits (which involves a packet of hobnobs, a jar of dairy free chocolate spread, a knife, and an hour!), so I might start bringing the ingredients in to work and leaving them in my desk for Friday emergencies!

Have a lovely lactose free weekend (if you have better willpower than me!)

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