Monday, 23 August 2010

Yoghurt, and more food intolerance (suspected)

I've been doing so much reading about lactose intolerance and other food intolerances from my work, and one of the most interesting pieces of information I found was that live yoghurt can be tolerated by people with LI because the cultures in the yoghurt break down the lactose and help you digest any remaining lactose.

Although I've been eating the Lactofree yoghurts and thoroughly enjoying them, they're not stocked at my local supermarket, so the yoghurt aisle remained off-limits, so when I found out I might be able to eat live yoghurt I was excited, as live greek yoghurt with honey was/is one of my favourite treats but I'd been avoiding it.

At the weekend I bought a big tub of greek yoghurt with honey and tried some to see what happened. Admittedly, eating nearly the entire tub wasn't the best way to approach the test but I didn't get any of the usual symptoms I get when I eat lactose-containing food. I felt a little rumbly in the stomach region but put this down to assaulting my digestive system with a large amount of a foodstuff it hadn't had to cope with for years.

I'm happy to report that I've tried the yoghurt again (in a smaller portion) and haven't experienced the bad symptoms after eating it!

On a worse note, I have noticed similar symptoms in the past couple of weeks even on days where I have been really good about not eating any dairy. I'm starting to suspect wheat (gluten) intolerance and have started a food diary today (good excuse to visit Paperchase and pore over the notebooks in my lunchbreak!).

I'm not at all excited by the prospect of having yet another food intolerance but there's so much understanding for food intolerances and good substitutes now that it should be manageable if it turns out I do have a sensitivity to wheat.

Wish me luck (and less digestive discomfort)!

1 comment:

  1. I do wish you luck. I found out this past winter that I'm wheat, lactose & egg intolerant/sensitive. I will say my guts feel a lot better, but adjusting to all 3 at the same time has been a challenge - especially wheat, as it's in things I would NEVER have imagined. I've always been a label reader, but have become even more of one now. Thankfully, it seems I can have eggs in a recipe, since they're diluted per serving, just not on their own.
    The food diary is a great idea. I wish you little to no digestive discomfort.
